Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Home after a long 6 Weeks

I'm home! And everything changed while I was gone...I'm not sure how I feel about that. My house looks different, the mall changed their landscaping, etc. It sort of threw me off. But, I got to see Mitch tonight! It was so good to see him, it had been six weeks since the last time. We both decided that we never want to go that long without seeing each other again, but it did make the reunion that much sweeter.

I've got a lot to do while I'm home, though. Places to go, people to see, breakfast dates, dinners, and homework! And then I've got to be practicing violin a ton, too, because I have to play for studio class next Tuesday. Wish me luck!

I'm really excited to be home right now though, and just be back in St. Charles county in general. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

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