Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Can't Help Lovin' that Man

As always, I am very thankful for Mitch. I don't deserve that wonderful man, but while I have him, you'd better believe I intend to keep 'im!

This week, I am thankful for him because he decided to come all the way (3 1/2ish hours) to take care of me and drive my gimpy self around. I am thankful that he had the next few days off from work so that he could do this. Last night, after listening to me stressing about the fact that I couldn't walk (long story short- 1 mile walk across campus barefoot to save myself from blistering shoes = massive blisters on the bottoms of my feet), he got off the phone in a hurry. Then, about 30 minutes later, he called me and said that he was on his way to come help me out.

I was overwhelmed. I love that man. I love him all the time, but the times that he does something extra-caring take the cake.

Once again, I am thankful for the loving and caring man that I call my boyfriend. What are you thankful for?

p.s.- sorry about the mush!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Back to School Edition

I am thankful for the professors that I am studying with, that they are willingly and eagerly sharing knowledge with us. I am thankful for the friends that I have here at MSU, and in town, and how warmly they welcomed be back for the school year. I am thankful that I have been sleeping solidly for the first time in a long time, so that my body is recharged for each day. I am thankful for the communities that I am a part of- both the community of my college ministry and the community of the Voice Department and my voice studio. I am thankful for Mitch's patience and support. I am thankful for my adoptive family. I am thankful for my voice teacher, and the way that she is always honest but encouraging. I am thankful for the wonderful and acclaimed faculty that I study under, that they chose to be at MSU. I am thankful for the opportunity to get this education. And I am thankful for the hours that I will be spending in the library today, because it means that I was able to create or find that time in my hectic schedule.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Being Loved On

This week, I have been seeing and feeling just how much I am loved by all of my families. I say all of my families, because I have more than one. I may only have one "blood" family, but I have other "heart" families in addition to that one. And I am thankful for that.

Before I left to come back to school, my boyfriend and his dad were making sure that my car would make it on the journey. They arranged things so that it would work better, and they went out of their way to care for me and provide for me.

I got back to school, and I was welcomed home by my adoptive family here in town. And boy, did they spoil me! I was fed, loved on, and welcomed with such enthusiasm that it almost made me cry.

And my biological family is always taking care of me. We tend to get along better when I'm away at school, but I know that they still love me and care about me, even though it can be frustrating.

So, today I'm thankful for the ways that I've been loved on recently. What are you thankful for?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday: A Quick List

There's no one big thing that is standing out to me this week- instead, I've been focusing on gratitude for many of the little(r) things. So, here is a hodge-podge of the things I've been listing my my gratitude journal this week.

-God's grace, love for me, and His mercy.
-finishing my summer class with an A
-an able body
-getting rain in this drought
-safe travels (it seems like I've been driving all over the place lately)
-being able to relax and enjoy my hobbies
-the wonderful, patient, and loving man that is my boyfriend. (sorry about the mush there. I'll try to keep it to a minimum from here on out.)

What are some things that you have been thankful for?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Feels Like Home

Awhile back- well, even last semester- I felt like a wanderer. I didn't really fit in anywhere, and I felt like my "home base" wasn't really defined. But now? It's a whole new ball game. I used to be the girl who never got homesick and never really understood how or why people did. But now, my heart aches for two different places. It aches to be "home" with my boyfriend when I'm at school, and when I'm "home" with Mitch, my heart aches to be "home" with my adopted family.

Although it feels as if I'm going to break in two at times, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am content in both places and lack nothing. I'm loved and cared for in both places, and I have safety, security, and joy. And it will still get better. Because in just one more year, both of my "homes" will be in the same place- or at least within an hour's drive. Being "home" is one thing, but feeling like I have "home" is a feeling that delights me over and over again.

So today, I am thankful for the homes that my heart has and holds dear. What are you thankful for?